February 17, 2006


So apparently the recent popularity of Chuck Norris' amazing feats and facts has spun off into websites revealing the little known facts of Jack Bauer, the main character in the show 24. Here's a sample of the Bauer facts:
    * When in Jack Bauer's presence, Chuck Norris urinates sitting down.
    * Tired of the incessant whining and complaining, Jack Bauer found the dogs and let them right back in.
    * Jack Bauer's saliva is bullet-proof.
    * After receiving repeated roundhouse kicks to the head from Chuck Norris, Jack Bauer was heard to ask,"Can you go a bit lower? I was crammed in an air conditioning duct between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. and my back is killing me."
    * Jack Bauer can eat five times his body weight in terrorists.
    * Jack Bauer has the ability to smell sounds.
    * Under intense interrogation by Jack Bauer, the fifth dentist cracked and admitted he recommends Trident for his patients who chew gum.
    * On Jack Bauer's say-so, the film Gigli would cease sucking.
    * Jack Bauer helped U-2 find what they were looking for.
    * GI Joe plays with a Jack Bauer action figure.


At February 18, 2006, Blogger shimshamsean said...

So has Jack given the go-ahead, or does Gigli still officially suck?

At February 18, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

guess he hasn't yet.


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