February 15, 2006


Lets get this out in the open. Just like the other 98.3498% of hunting accidents, Dick Cheney was most likely intoxicated from alcohol. That's how an experienced outdoorsman like Cheney ended up shooting his friend.

As for the delay in getting the story to the media or even reporting the incident to the local Police -- Cheney had to sober up first. This is why the Secret Service did not allow the Sheriff's Department to question him.

Furthermore, does shooting small birds from a moving vehicle actually constitute hunting? Not in my book. That's more of a drive-by.


At February 16, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

"Cheney said he had had a beer at lunch that day but nobody was drinking when they went back out to hunt a couple hours later. Law enforcement officials have ruled out alcohol as a factor."


So he WAS drinking. Maybe he's just a lightweight.

At February 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are way off base here. The facts don't support your opinion unless you want to completely buy into the whole fanatic conspiracy theory. As someone who has gone bird hunting extensively (versus you as never), it is easy find yourself in a situation where you bear down on a bird and, all of a sudden, something (someone) is in your sight line. Its a funny thing about shooting at quail, grouse, etc., they don't always do what you think they will do. They zig and zag (wouldn't you). Even worse, your hunting partners are worse by not being where you think they are. Dogs are even worse yet. They will jump up at a low flying bird. If the hunter is not careful, he'll shoot the bird and his dog!

The only difference between Dick Cheney and any other hunter was bad luck. Bad luck is when your brain registers "DO NOT SHOOT" after your finger starts to pull the trigger. Good luck just provides another few nano-seconds for the brain matter to send a message to the finger to stop.

I don't believe Dick Cheney has a responsibility to tell the American public every time he takes a shit! He does have a responsibility to render medical assistance, notify family, notify proper authorities, circumvent a media barrage at the hospital where his friend was taken, protect his friend's privacy and, gather composure after almost killing your best friend. He did all of this. He has taken full responsibility for this accident.

This is nothing more than a feeding frenzy by the media. It has nothing to do with politics. For Dick Cheney, it has everything to do with integrity. In this matter, he has shown integrity.

You know, you guys are real hypocrites with comments about the beer. A beer at lunch... five hours before the accident. How many of you drink that responsibly? How many hours do you play beer pong and then drive to the next bar? How many of you start happy hour at 4 PM on a Friday and then walk through a plate glass window on the 6th floor of a dorm at midnight? Luck again, that this person didn't fall through. He also couldn't even remember what dorm he was in when treated at the hospital.

With that, my brain is sending a message to one of my fingers to offer you a salute with a different kind of bird.

At February 17, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

Right and conservatives never bring up Ted Kennedy.

Let me go through your comment:

I do agree it was bad luck. I do agree that I'm not perfect. I do agree that small game hunting is extremely unpredictable - therefore making it dangerous. I do agree that this has nothing to do with politics. I'm not calling for his resignation. This has nothing to do with his ability to do his job. I do respect him for taking full responsibility. As for privacy, it's a catch-22. I do believe he deserves privacy in his personal matters but that's impossible for public officials. Loss of privacy is a choice that he took when accepting the position he holds.

Thank you for detailed rebuttal (no sarcasm).

Lastly, it was a sad and horrible tragic event for Wittington, Cheney, and both of their families and I hope that everything works out for them. I'm not the cold hearted person you may think I am.

At February 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick Cheney, via being Vice President, does lose most of the privacy due him. The privacy I spoke of, was the concern and well being for Mr. Wittington. I surmise he knew he was going to be heavily criticised. The easy thing to do would have been call a news conference right after the shooting just so he could show all of the steps taken to "do the right thing."

I can visualize it now... "Breaking News, Video at 11 PM" - Dick Cheney's friend loaded into the ambulance... Dick Cheney's friend in the emergency room...

At February 17, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

As for Mr. Wittington's privacy, I completely agree with you. He deserves complete privacy, especially in his condition. Alerting the media as soon as it happened would have been in poor taste.

Your visualization of how the media would have reacted is spot-on correct and that would have been insensitive, disrespectful, and poor journalism ethics.

I still think a press release from McClellen would have resulted in less media speculation.

At February 18, 2006, Blogger shimshamsean said...

I disagree about the media coverage. There's no way that any outlet could have gotten out to podunk Texas in time to take those photos. What he should have done was call his press secretary and release a statement. Then, rather than the evening news leading with "Vice President Cheney shoots a man... news at eleven" as it was in my area. It probably would have been something more sympathetic since the media outlets would have more information and it wouldn't be all that interesting. Since, really, it wasn't. I don't care what he does, but I think that he handled it irresponsibly. He neither accompanied his friend to the hospital nor went to the hospital. That's not showing concern nor his friend, nor does it show any sort of interest in finding out all the facts in search of the accuracy with which he was so obsessed.

At February 18, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

Very good points Stalebread.


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