February 10, 2006


A comment I had on a blog article.
    I'm no religion expert and am not even religious (aside from growing up in the Catholic faith, I would consider myself an Agnostic).

    I have a hard time believing that Islam is a violent religion. I simply believe that Islamists can be a violent bunch and by Islamists, I mean fundamentalists. But you know what, I think Christianists are a violent and terrorist bunch too and by Christianist, I mean fundamental Christians.

    Islamists react violently and call for beheadings. Christianists, like Pat Robertson has called for the assassination of foreign presidents (Venezuela) and many other verbal acts of terrorism.

    Islamists had engaged in terrorism in the name of religion, but so have Christianists. Christianists have bombed abortion clinics in the name of religion. Christianists have killed gays because their religion tells them that it is wrong, but are all Christians Christianists? The answer is a resounding "no."

    People may not be protesting the actions of Islamists in their countries but who in their right mind would? In a religion controlled country, it would seem it would be against the law to oppose the Islamists ridiculous opinions.

    Furthermore, you didn't see people protesting outside the CBN when Robertson called for the assassination of the Venezuelan president. But I believe that most Christians were against his comments.

    Just because people are not protesting does not mean the rest of the country shares their views.

    I also blame the media for not searching out and giving exposure to Muslims (not Islamists) who disagree with the Islamists. It is their duty to represent both sides in order for their audience to not get a biased view that all Muslims are Islamists. The have failed to complete their responsibilities to the public discourse.

    Lastly, you keep looking to CNN and the BBC to see people coming out in droves against the Islamists, but you're not going to find it. That story is not nearly as exciting as Islamists setting embassies on fire. The only news we ever get from the Middle East is ridiculous events and news related to the America's involvement in securing Iraq's democracy.
Also, Islam may have violent stories and laws laid out in the Koran, but so does Judaism and Christianity. The Old Testament is full of violence and on par with the Koran. So, judging the Koran as violent is turning a blind eye and giving a pass to the Bible. According to this website, the Bible has 837 verses that can be considered cruel or violent, whereas the Koran 331 similar verses. So is the Bible 2.5 times more violent? Nope. Both books contain cruel and violent passages but the vast majority of both religion's followers are good, honest, and compassionate people.


At February 11, 2006, Blogger Corrigan said...

Good comments..
The media is definitely partly responsible here. We've gone from fact reporting, to opinion reporting, to speculation. Today we seem to have a nice mix of sensationalism and speculation...if you're lucky you get a fact thrown in there. If you're unlucky you get nothing but opinion. Like i said though..if nothing else, this will engage people in the conversation.


At February 13, 2006, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

you posted your comments..... fag


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