March 23, 2006


Gateway has released a brand new all-in-one computer that has expansion bays which is an interesting feature typically not found on all-in-ones. Aside from it being just plain ugly, I have a question.

Who the hell still uses floppy drives and why do PC companies still include these horrifically obselete and crappy devices? Get a goddamn usb stick. They have 500 times the capacity and don't break when bended slightly. Come on PC companies, its your chance to save $6 on every computer you sell. Idiots.

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At March 24, 2006, Blogger DarkWood said...

Yah, that's pretty horrific. Think I'll just keep building my own for cheaper. :-)

Now, the water bridge in 'yer last I'm no engineer, so I guess I'll never be as fully impressed as I should be, but

At March 25, 2006, Blogger Risky Business said...

I don't know what that pic is all about... but at this point it is actually harder to find a PC with a floppy drive than it is without. Most do not include floppys anymore and you must specially request to have them put in and often pay extra to do so.

At March 25, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

and thats a good thing. they're obselete. i can understand offering an option for one on a tower system but on an all-in-one? retarded.

At March 27, 2006, Blogger shimshamsean said...

that computer is so ugly i'd never get it for that one, shallow reason. even if it was really cool technologically. it looks like the old video game system my grandmother had that was the original version of pong.

At March 27, 2006, Blogger Risky Business said...

Of course, it is a good thing, I wasn't implying that it wasn't a good thing.

I was just stating that it is harder to find them that way, because I wasn't sure if you realized that the manufacturers really don't put them in anymore, unless you ask for it.


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