January 24, 2006


I typically don't agree with the Catholic Church. Their stance on hiding pedophiles, birth control, and several other topics make me question their capability of rational thought, but today is different. According to an article from CBS News, the Vatican has come out against Intelligent Design, calling it not science. Here's a exerpt.
    The Vatican newspaper has published an article saying "intelligent design" is not science and that teaching it alongside evolutionary theory in school classrooms only creates confusion.
Congratulations Catholic Church. Your stock just went up as a creditable source of insight (it's still not creditable, just slightly higher than before).


At January 24, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

I just wanted to clear something up about this post. I was raised Catholic. Don't take this as a Protestant who thinks Catholicism is the work of the devil only because its not my religion (cough Baptists cough). Falwell, Robertson, and company are not creditable either. Actually, they are even less creditable.


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