January 12, 2006


In the recent weeks, Mein Fürher has come under attack on the topic of privacy. Specifically, his ability to order eavedropping on Americans without a court order, even though Congress did not authorize the program.

Bush has strongly come to the defense of his actions. He has been quoted that the process is an "obligation to protect you." Those who disagree are worried of the slippery slope of the decision of who will be spied on. He's also said "this is a different era, a different war." While this may be true, our constitution still disagrees with his actions.

I'm very worried about and more importantly the Bush Administration's (Cheney) stance that the Executive Branch should have more power. Once again, this goes against the Constitution. Recently, he was quoted saying something to the effect of "stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it’s just a goddamned piece of paper!” Interesting stance Mein Furher. Why don't we just get rid of our democracy, which we supposedly are trying to spread, and just make you the dictator now.

But, at the same time, I question the negative response to the eavesdropping. Haven't we had ECHELON for quite some time. In case you are unfamiliar, Wikipedia states that "ECHELON can capture radio and satellite communications, telephone calls, faxes and e-mails nearly anywhere in the world and includes computer automated analysis and sorting of intercepts. ECHELON is estimated to intercept up to 3 billion communications every day."

Now, here's the catch, ECHELON is not permitted to intercept communications within the US in order to satisfy the constitution. But, the UK, Australia, and I think a few handful of allied countries have their own ECHELON systems. Like the US, these allied countries do not spy on their own citizens. Once again, here's the catch, it has been often documented and theorized that the members of the ECHELON share their information. Its a loop hole, because the US isn't spying on its citizens, only receiving intelligence from other nations.

So, my question is - where is the outrage over this system?


At January 12, 2006, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

I hate this post:


Sean Hannity

At January 12, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

Why the second half is actually quite conservative. Its calling the liberals who bitch about Bush hypocritical. Yes, I know you were joking.

At January 12, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

Pineapple, how about some real discussion from you? I don't need to know what Sean Hannity thinks.


At January 12, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

The Biz has questioned why he hasn't heard of the "goddamned piece of paper remark." He doesn't believe it.

Here's my source: http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7779.shtml

Also take a look at a Google search for the phrase: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=stop+throwing+the+Constitution+in+my+face%2C+it%E2%80%99s+just+a+goddamned+piece+of+paper%21&btnG=Google+Search

Perhaps it was taken out of context, but I have no reason to believe the reporter made this up.

At January 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Small excerpt of our convo:

Me: dont believe it
Snyde: thats fine... don't
Me: all the search came up with was pro-democrat sites
Snyde: true
Me: and i hate bush
Me: you know i hate bish
Me: but if he said that... the real media would eat him alive
Snyde: well.. i have no reason to not believe Doug Thompson, the author
Snyde: perhaps no one will verify the story
Snyde: who knows
Me: yeah but who even is Doug Thompson, ive never heard of him
Snyde: but either way, it doesn't detract from the major portion of the entry
Snyde: and given bush's actions... i could honestly believe he thinks this
Snyde: actually who knows
Me: whether he thinks it or not isnt the issue
Me: he definitely thinks it
Snyde: haha
Snyde: true
Me: im just saying he would never say that
Snyde: oh of course not... at least in public
Me: i could possibly believe Rumsfeld saying it just because he's a dick and doesnt give a damn
Snyde: oh i love rumsfeld
Snyde: because he doesn't care what people think
Snyde: i don't support his ideas
Me: thats wjhat imsaying
Snyde: but i lvoe his character
Me: he doesnt give a shit about what anyone says or thinks about him
Snyde: true
Snyde: he's just a grumpy old man

At January 15, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

there i did a strikeout on the unverified Bush quote.


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