March 11, 2006


Since Depressed Writer is a decroded piece of crap and too lazy to join the community blog and post it himself, here's a hilarious video clip on how Facebook has affected college student's lives. For those of you who aren't into Facebook, just replace the word with MySpace. Actually I don't think that works. You can't stalk on MySpace like you can on Facebook so nevermind, you people won't get it.

By the way, I love the use of Electric Light Orchestra's song, Mr. Blue Sky. I've been obsessed with this song ever since it was featured in a VW Beetle commercial a few years ago.

Here's the creator's website in case anyone cares, which none of you do.

UPDATE: People are having problems with the video clip, so here's one from College Humor.

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At March 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for "plugging" our short, we appreciate the kind words. The problem people maybe having with the site is if they dont have quicktime 7 or flash. I appologize to any who have been experiencing problems, we are still working out the bugs.

Take care.



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