March 31, 2005

Got the wrong burger? Call 911

A thank you to Chambers for sending me an email about this. Here's the soundclip. Its a 911 call of a mom who got the wrong burger at Burger King. Instead of being a "big girl" and resolving the issue herself or simply getting her money back, she decided to waste even more people's time and call 911. Yes, the dumb bitch obviously thought it was an emergency on par with a car accident, house fire, or a burglary. The 911 operator is great though. She basically reaches through the phone and gives the bitch the slap to the head she needs.

I honestly weep for society sometimes.


At March 31, 2005, Blogger Dauve said...

That's amazing. I'm surprised the 911 operator stayed on the line for so long, and not just hung up as soon as she realised she was dealing with a total moron.


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