March 23, 2005

Political scien.... I mean bullshit

Politics is all bullshit. Politicians and the media continue to wonder why my generation is so completely apathetic but never see the answer. I for one am completely fed up with the bullshit. I'm sick and tired of the bleeding-heart left and the religious right. I'm sick of the crying liberals and the heartless conservatives. I'm sick of CNN and Fox News. I'm sick of Al Franken and Rush Limbaugh. I am sick of the Crossfire type discussion that plague our society.

The major players persuade us to believe that their opinions are the only ones that matter. They attempt to only tell two sides to a story. They make people believe that only the Democratic and Republican parties hold the answer to all of our problems. The fact of the matter is that this is the farthest thing from the truth.

There are a thousand sides to a story. There are millions of opinions and there should be more than two major parties. If we look around the world (well except for North Korea, China, and most of the Middle East), the political world has many voices. Most major countries have copious amounts of parties but yet we are stuck with just two. Why is that?

Why must we subject ourselves only to the views of the extremists (who only oppose each other at tangents anyway)? I wish I had an answer to my questions but I don't. The only hypothesis I have is our society has taught itself to stop thinking. We're taught to make decisions but only permitted to select from pre-determined lists. You have a problem, well you can choose from:
    a) Republican
    b) Democrat
    c) Ralph Nader (but that's really a vote for Republicans anyway)
Real-world problems are not a scan-tron test in a civics course. Real-world problems have numerous solutions and I hate to break it to the elephants and donkeys but you don't have the best answers for your constituents that you pretend to represent.

This country needs a third major party. This party needs to be a voice of reason. It needs to be a blend of progressive thinking and conventional wisdom. We need a voice that is based on compromising and working together instead of extremists and talking points. I refuse to believe that this country is made up of red states and blue states. This country is not populated by extremists. It is populated by Americans. We are truly a country of purple states and a country that needs a purple party to represent us because currently no major party is capable of doing so.


At March 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dave said...
Its been(two)days.... I want an update bitch

6:11 PM "


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