January 29, 2006


Moms just seem to love me. The Biz and I used to get hit on by moms a few years ago, whenever we went to the Saloon and hung out near the booths. Last night, it happened again (somehow without the presence of the Biz).

I was at the Rathskeller sitting at a booth enjoying the fantastic performance of Kenny Volz (spelling?). If you haven't experienced Kenny on Saturday nights at 8pm, you're missing out. Anyway, about twenty minutes into his second set, I got tapped on the shoulder and five older women in the next booth pretty much demanded that I come over and talk to them. Except for the designated driver, they were a lively, drunken bunch.

So, I got up and sat down with them. Right out of the blocks, the really drunk hot one started telling me how cute I was (and this continued throughout the night) and kept asking me questions -- Where was I from, what was I majoring in, did I have a girlfriend, what did I want to do after graduation, etc. Then the hot one HAD to see what the shirt under my button down shirt said (it said Moosejaw), so she decided to undo the buttons and grope my chest -- awkward yet I can't say I didn't enjoy it.

All in all, it was an entertaining night, especially since they kept filling up my cup. It was too bad the hot one was married.


At January 31, 2006, Blogger shimshamsean said...

don't be afraid to shoplift the pootie.

At February 03, 2006, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

Good, I was worried those women just took the money I gave them...

At February 03, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

Thanks for paying women to talk to me and boost my low self esteem.

At February 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He speaks truth... for some reason the Moms are all over it.

Let's hope our Moms wouldn't do the same.


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