March 31, 2005

Phishing Scam: Revisited

Justin, the alleged phishing scammer, responded to my email. He claims to be legitimate. Here's the email:
    From: Apple Apple [**Removed**]
    Subject: Re: Thanks for writing in . . .
    Date: March 31, 2005 1:51:32 PM EST
    To: Me
    Actuallly, it's not a phishing scam.
    You will note that I didn't ask you for any personal information but your phone number. I really am independently contracted to do telephone interviews and put together a report on user satisfaction with iPods and Macs. Also, note that I am a real person taking the time to respond to your email, not an automated phisher program.

    Thanks for the Kudos, though. Would that I were so devious.

    -- Justin
I'm still not convinced. I believe that the truth is one of two options:
  • He is a phishing scammer
  • He's really bad at his job
Lets say that he is legitimate, why didn't he offer up any evidence to backup his "claim" that he is indeed a independent contractor working for Apple. Why would think that people would just freely give him their contact information based on faith that he is who he says he is. What's really scary is the thought of people who do give out personal information at the drop of a hat. You'd think that with an email such as his, he would have received more replies like mine. Oh well, I guess the old cliche still rings true: Its hard to find good help these days.


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