October 12, 2005


I've rounded up the top five teams in College Football that I hate the most. Please feel free to comment about what teams you hate the most.
    5. Nebraska
    You stole our championship in 1994. You let Tommy Lee attend your school. You're in the state of Nebraska. Your mascot husks corn, wow I'm scared. He's just slightly more fierce than the Buckeye. Thankfully, the General Assembly of Pennsylvania unanimously passed a symbolic proclamation, which was signed by Governor Tom Ridge, declaring Penn State the 1994 college football national champions. Husk this you stupid Cornhuskers.

    4. Pittsburgh
    I attend Penn State, so this should be self explanatory. Any team that has a fight song attacking another school (P-E-N-N S-T SUCKS) is lame. Ok, I realize that they finally got rid of that portion of the song but still, you guys are lame. Whats even lamer is that they used the cheer even when not playing Penn State. You guys have a serious inferiority complex, please seek psychiatric help. Oh and by the way, great job losing to Ohio and Rutgers. You were ranked last year and you turn around lose to these two pathetic teams. Lame.

    3. Florida State
    You are always ranked in the top 25, no matter what happens, even though you're in the ACC. Must be tough beating Maryland, Clemson, Duke, UNC, and Wake Forest. Secondly, I hate Bobby Bowden. I hate your hats that you wear. I hate your redneck school. I hate your accent. I hate your crooked program. I especially hate your ex-con players. While we're at, I hate Tommy Bowden, Terry Bowden, and Jeff Bowden too. Lastly, your 31 wins at Howard College, now Samford University, shouldn't count. Its a Division I-AA school, not Division I-A. You don't hold the "All-Time Winningest Division I-A Coach" title. You can't hold a candle to Joe Paterno.

    2. Notre Dame
    You are the Boston Red Sox of college football. No matter if your team is any good, the media bows down and sucks you off every year. I was so happy when Michigan State beat you this season. You are so overrated. Oh, and I loved the underlying racism aspects that the media picked up on when you fired Tyrone Willingham. He's better off without you.

    1. Michigan
    I hate the squirrelfuckers. This choice is actually quite ironic. I grew up loving the University of Michigan and their football program. Although, growing up in the state of Michigan, its hard not to. Bo Schembechler was a god to me when I was young. Then I grew up. I hate this team. I hate the school even more. Its full of snobby, rich students who think they go to Harvard and will tell you how much your own school sucks at every available moment. Furthermore, every single country bumpkin in Michigan who barely graduated high school let alone went to college, is the most annoying complete shill for this team. Shut the hell up and go back to rooting for your shitty Detroit Lions. You didn't go to school there. Oh and then there's people like my dad. His college didn't have a football team when he attended, so he latched onto the bandwagon when he moved the family to Michigan. On top of that, I hate Lloyd Carr. I really have no reason to hate him but I do. I just look at him and want to vomit.


At October 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I also hate the Cornhuskers... especially since I got jipped out of a Corn husking championship at SBS junior year, when we played them.... I would not go so far as to posting pictures of my penis on my blog (if I had one). Dave, please tell me you didn't do that.

At October 12, 2005, Blogger Aventius said...

thats not my penis.... just a picture of a penis i found on the web.

At October 12, 2005, Blogger Aventius said...

there i made it a black penis so people won't think i actually posted a picture of my own.

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At October 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The posting about Michigan is right on the money. That should be in the Michigan newspapers. Great post about Michigan.

Oh yeah, have you noticed any movies about Detroit not involving drugs and/or gangs? Detroit is not exactly a Carribean island. Penn State has beautiful surroundings and is a safe place. Michigan is surrounded by slum.

BOO-YAH! Kramer hits the "bull" button for that post.

At October 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Funny Part: Tommy Lee will graduate college before you!!!!!!! hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhahahahha


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