November 07, 2005


Ok... things have now changed since Dennis posted his plan on getting Penn State to the Rose Bowl. Some things needed to happen, happened and some no longer need to happen anymore... like UCLA losing to USC. Here's a list of things needed to happen now.

* LSU loses to Alabama
* Alabama loses to Auburn
* Miami loses to FSU or in the AAC game
* USC loses to Cal and hopefully to UCLA too

Then we're in baby.... by the way... how long has it been since Alabama scored an offensive touchdown? Is it three or four games now? Great offense they have. I so wish they had lost to Tennessee.


At November 07, 2005, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

Isn't it great that this shit is so complicated that even Oliver Stone can't figure it out?

At November 07, 2005, Blogger AmandaMae said...

Dave....why are you always ripping on Bama? Im beginning to take this personally.............

At November 08, 2005, Blogger Aventius said...

Always ripping on Alabama? Um, I'm not so sure about that. Typically I rip on Notre Dame and Michigan. This time, Alabama just deserved to be ripped on, so I did it. If they deserver to be ripped on again in the future, I won't hesitate.

At November 08, 2005, Blogger AmandaMae said...

How the Crimson Tide Got its Name...

"In early newspaper accounts of Alabama football, the team was simply listed as the "varsity" or the "Crimson White" after the school colors.

The first nickname to become popular and used by headline writers was the "Thin Red Line." The nickname was used until 1906.

The name "Crimson Tide" is supposed to have first been used by Hugh Roberts, former sports editor of the Birmingham Age-Herald. He used "Crimson Tide" in describing an Alabama-Auburn game played in Birmingham in 1907, the last football contest between the two schools until 1948 when the series was resumed. The game was played in a sea of mud and Auburn was a heavy favorite to win.

But, evidently, the "Thin Red Line" played a great game in the red mud and held Auburn to a 6-6 tie, thus gaining the name "Crimson Tide." Zipp Newman, former sports editor of the Birmingham News, probably popularized the name more than any other writer."

NOW YOU KNOW!!!! How was life on the Dark side today darling?

At November 10, 2005, Blogger Aventius said...

but any team who's nickname is a euphemism for mentruation ... is lame.


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