March 31, 2005

Microsoft Advertising

I was browsing Microsoft's website today looking for information about their new video download service and I came across this picture on their front page:

Two things about this ad strike me as odd.

First, I chuckle at the thought of Microsoft writing an anti-spyware software. Spyware is a rampant problem on Microsoft Windows because programmers at Microsoft are utter retards. Why are they retards, you ask? I'll tell you. They're retards because they sell an operating system where all the users run in "administrator mode." There are no security checks within the system. The system assumes that everything is secure to begin with. Stupid. Furthermore, why the hell would I want to use Anti-Spyware from a company that created the entire problem? Thats like somebody who wants to quit smoking, buying nicotene chewing gum from Phillip Morris. I digress.

Second, if you look close enough at the ad, you'll notice something even stranger (Besides the question of why is the guy using binoculars to look at the laptop). The laptop in the advertisement is an Apple Titanium Powerbook. Why would Microsoft want to use a competitor's products within their advertisements? I realize that the ad industry typically uses Apple products because of their sleek, industrial design, but you need to question the product placement in a computer advertisement. I'm pretty sure someone got fired for this big mistake. Looks like the retards aren't just in the programming side of the company.


At April 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That spyware program was actually developed by a company that MS bought. It actually is a high-quality product. I forget the company, but I've read reviews about it and it's supposed to be one of the best. If I feel the motivation to look into the specifics of it, I'll post... but I doubt that will happen because I'm lazy. As far as the admin issue, I agree. All they have to do is put a warning or something regarding it when you first install Windows.
The thing with the Mac is just hilarious. MS are morons.


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