November 10, 2005


From Wired News

Video Games That Cure ADD
Topic: Tech

You know, here I always thought that video games CAUSED attention deficit disorder. But now NASA, of all things, has come up with games that train kids to be attentive.
    The system, called Smart BrainGames, essentially monitors [the crazy kid's] brain waves through the use of sensors in a helmet while he plays a game. A box that can be hooked up to PS2 then initiates changes in the game. The more the player concentrates, for example, the faster a car will go in a racing game.
Sounds like a sensible alternative to filling them up with drugs. But there I go giving opinions again. Hey, what if they used the Hot Coffee scene? Find me a kid who'd get distracted away from that.


At November 15, 2005, Blogger Sitting on Pineapples said...

I thought that game was called Leisure Suit Larry


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