January 04, 2006


Last night's Orange Bowl was crazy. Penn State beat Forida State, 26-23. It was definitely an instant classic, even without the media blitz talking about the Paterno - Bowden matchup. I was on the edge of my seat, clutching a pillow, and biting my nails since Florida State returned a punt for their first touchdown.

I might have to return to Christianity, because I was definitely praying during each one of the three overtimes. Thankfully, Kevin Kelly redeemed himself in the third overtime after Cismesia blew his kick when the ball struck the right upright. Kelly made a 29 yard field goal after missing two prior and became the game's hero.

But the real topic that I want to get at here is my love for College Football and primarily their superior overtime system. For those who aren't familiar, in College Football each team gets a chance to score from the 25-yard line. In Pro Football, its a sudden death system where the first team to score wins. Pro Football's system is horrible. Sudden death works in soccer, hockey, and many other sports, its horrible for Football. Football doesn't have the constant turnover between offense and defense like the other sports I mentioned.

Sudden Death in football basically all comes down to the coin flip. Is it truly fair to not allow the team that lost the coin flip to not have a rebuttal? No, of course not. It would be unheard of in Beer Pong, so why is it allowed in Professional Football? Pro Football needs to wise up and reform its overtime policy.


At January 12, 2006, Blogger shimshamsean said...

Which is why beer pong is superior to football, it has a superior set of morals, and you get drunk. perfection.
And that was an amazing game.


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