March 05, 2006


Have you seen Earthlink's current commercials? I'm talking about the ones with dwarfs, giants, fairies and such characters. I don't know about you, but these commercials are just downright eerie.

But then again, what can you expect from a company that has been claimed to be just a front organization for Scientology? The company was founded in 1994 by Sky Dayton and Reed Slatkin. Both are very vocal members within Scientology. It's been claimed by outsiders and insiders that they scan and filter user emails, block certain information, and promote Scientology within their organization. All of these actions are of course legal but nonetheless reason enough to never use their service.

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At March 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They've actually been running those commercials for a year or so now... I remember seeing them when I first came home from State. They diasppeared for a while, and are now back again. Earthlink is installing wireless hot spots all over Philly, and eventually spreading out into the suburbs. I am not sure which wireless provider they are piggy-backing off of.

At March 05, 2006, Blogger Aventius said...

yeah... they're old but every time i see them... they continue to freak me out.


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